Contact US

C.O.B.A. Officers

President: Sami Payne 740-965-2801

Secretary: Barbara Fleshman 740-967-7946

Treasurer/Membership: Ray Testerman 614-861-3035

Publicity: Rich Baker 614-538-1953

1st Vice President: Al Wirick 740-363-3442

Entertainment: Jack Kitzmiller 614-866-5395

Gate/Grounds: Terry Counts, 614-855-7387

Ways and Means: Helen Kitzmiller 614-866-5395

Other C.O.B.A. contacts

Newsletter Editor: Sami Payne 740-965-2801

Asst. Newsletter Editor: Diana Boggs 614-866-7411

Web Site: Scott Brooks 614-899-0060

Sound for Indoor Shows: Steve Ryan, 614-497-1413 (3416 London Lancaster Rd, Groveport OH 43125)

VENDORS – Contact Sami Payne at (740) 965-2877

We are always interested in hearing from vendors, such as food vendors, crafts vendors, instrument repair shops, musical instructors and others to come to our festivals.